Top 10 Rust Crates for Networking

Are you looking for the best Rust crates for networking? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 10 Rust crates for networking that will help you build fast, reliable, and scalable network applications.

Rust is a systems programming language that is designed to be fast, safe, and concurrent. It is perfect for building network applications that require high performance and low latency. Rust's memory safety guarantees and zero-cost abstractions make it an ideal choice for building network applications that are both efficient and secure.

Without further ado, let's dive into the top 10 Rust crates for networking.

1. Tokio

Tokio is a runtime for writing asynchronous Rust applications. It provides a set of low-level primitives for building asynchronous I/O applications, such as TCP and UDP sockets, timers, and channels. Tokio is built on top of Rust's async/await syntax, which makes it easy to write asynchronous code that is both efficient and readable.

Tokio is widely used in the Rust community and is the de facto standard for building asynchronous network applications. It is actively maintained and has a large and supportive community.

2. Hyper

Hyper is a fast and safe HTTP implementation for Rust. It provides a set of high-level abstractions for building HTTP servers and clients, such as request and response types, middleware, and routing. Hyper is built on top of Tokio, which makes it highly performant and scalable.

Hyper is easy to use and has a clean and intuitive API. It is also highly extensible and can be customized to fit your specific needs. Hyper is a great choice for building web applications and APIs in Rust.

3. Rustls

Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust. It provides a secure and efficient implementation of the TLS protocol, which is used to encrypt network traffic. Rustls is designed to be easy to use and has a simple and intuitive API.

Rustls is highly performant and can handle thousands of connections per second. It is also highly secure and has been audited by multiple security firms. Rustls is a great choice for building secure network applications in Rust.

4. Quiche

Quiche is a fast and modern implementation of the QUIC protocol, which is a new transport protocol that is designed to replace TCP. Quiche provides a set of low-level primitives for building QUIC applications, such as connection and stream types, congestion control, and error handling.

Quiche is highly performant and can handle thousands of connections per second. It is also highly secure and provides end-to-end encryption and authentication. Quiche is a great choice for building high-performance network applications that require low latency and high throughput.

5. Net2

Net2 is a low-level networking library for Rust. It provides a set of low-level primitives for building network applications, such as sockets, addresses, and protocols. Net2 is built on top of Rust's standard library and provides a simple and intuitive API.

Net2 is highly performant and can handle thousands of connections per second. It is also highly portable and can be used on a wide range of platforms. Net2 is a great choice for building low-level network applications in Rust.

6. Mio

Mio is a low-level I/O library for Rust. It provides a set of low-level primitives for building asynchronous I/O applications, such as TCP and UDP sockets, timers, and channels. Mio is built on top of Rust's standard library and provides a simple and intuitive API.

Mio is highly performant and can handle thousands of connections per second. It is also highly portable and can be used on a wide range of platforms. Mio is a great choice for building low-level network applications in Rust.

7. Tonic

Tonic is a gRPC framework for Rust. It provides a set of high-level abstractions for building gRPC servers and clients, such as service and method types, middleware, and routing. Tonic is built on top of Tokio and provides a highly performant and scalable implementation of the gRPC protocol.

Tonic is easy to use and has a clean and intuitive API. It is also highly extensible and can be customized to fit your specific needs. Tonic is a great choice for building distributed systems and microservices in Rust.

8. Smol

Smol is a lightweight asynchronous runtime for Rust. It provides a set of low-level primitives for building asynchronous I/O applications, such as TCP and UDP sockets, timers, and channels. Smol is built on top of Rust's async/await syntax and provides a highly performant and scalable implementation of asynchronous I/O.

Smol is easy to use and has a clean and intuitive API. It is also highly portable and can be used on a wide range of platforms. Smol is a great choice for building lightweight network applications in Rust.

9. Rust-WebSocket

Rust-WebSocket is a WebSocket library for Rust. It provides a set of high-level abstractions for building WebSocket servers and clients, such as connection and message types, middleware, and routing. Rust-WebSocket is built on top of Tokio and provides a highly performant and scalable implementation of the WebSocket protocol.

Rust-WebSocket is easy to use and has a clean and intuitive API. It is also highly extensible and can be customized to fit your specific needs. Rust-WebSocket is a great choice for building real-time applications and games in Rust.

10. Rust-Netlink

Rust-Netlink is a library for working with the Linux netlink protocol in Rust. The netlink protocol is used to communicate between the kernel and user-space processes. Rust-Netlink provides a set of high-level abstractions for building netlink applications, such as message and attribute types, error handling, and routing.

Rust-Netlink is easy to use and has a clean and intuitive API. It is also highly performant and can handle thousands of netlink messages per second. Rust-Netlink is a great choice for building network applications that interact with the Linux kernel in Rust.


In conclusion, Rust is a great language for building network applications that require high performance and low latency. The top 10 Rust crates for networking that we've covered in this article provide a wide range of high-level and low-level abstractions for building network applications in Rust.

Whether you're building a web application, a distributed system, or a low-level network application, there's a Rust crate for you. So, what are you waiting for? Start building your next network application in Rust today!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed