Rust Crate Review: Actix-web vs Rocket

Are you looking for a high-performance Rust web framework that can handle millions of requests per second? Do you want a library that offers great concurrency and scalability without sacrificing safety and speed? If your answer is yes, then you're in the right place!

In this article, we'll be reviewing two of the most popular Rust web frameworks, Actix-web and Rocket. We'll compare their features, performance, ease of use, and community support, so that you can make an informed decision when choosing a web framework for your next project.


Actix-web is a high-performance, actor-based web framework built on top of the Actix actor system. It was designed with performance and scalability in mind, and it's known for its great concurrency features and low overhead.


Actix-web comes with a wide array of features that make it a great choice for building fast and scalable web applications. Some of its main features include:


Actix-web is one of the fastest Rust web frameworks available today, and it's known for its excellent performance and low overhead. According to benchmarks conducted by TechEmpower, Actix-web can handle over 6 million requests per second, making it one of the fastest web frameworks on the planet.

This level of performance is achieved thanks to Actix-web's async/await support, its actor-based architecture, and its efficient use of memory and CPU resources. If you're building a high-performance web application that needs to handle a large number of requests per second, Actix-web is definitely worth considering.

Ease of use

Despite its powerful features and excellent performance, Actix-web is also very easy to use and learn. Its documentation is comprehensive and well-written, and it provides plenty of examples and tutorials to help you get started quickly.

Actix-web also has a friendly and welcoming community that's always willing to help newcomers and provide guidance on best practices and common pitfalls.


Rocket is another popular Rust web framework that's known for its simplicity, ease of use, and ergonomic API. It's built on top of Rust's type system and allows you to write type-safe and expressive code that's easy to reason about.


Rocket comes with a wide range of features that make it a great choice for building web applications of all sizes and complexities. Some of its main features include:


Rocket is known for its great performance and low overhead, and it's one of the fastest Rust web frameworks available today. According to benchmarks conducted by TechEmpower, Rocket can handle over 5 million requests per second, which puts it in the top tier of web frameworks when it comes to performance.

This level of performance is achieved thanks to Rocket's efficient use of Rust's type system and its focus on safe and ergonomic code. If you're building a web application that needs to handle a large number of requests per second while maintaining type safety and code readability, Rocket is definitely worth considering.

Ease of use

Rocket is probably the most user-friendly Rust web framework available today, and its documentation and API are both designed to be easy to understand and use. Its API is well-documented and follows Rust's idiomatic style, which makes it easy to read and write even for beginners.

Rocket also has a friendly and helpful community that's always ready to answer questions and provide guidance on best practices and common issues.


So which one should you choose, Actix-web or Rocket? The answer depends on your specific needs and preferences.

If you're building a high-performance web application that needs to handle a large number of requests per second, and you're willing to invest some time in learning a powerful but somewhat complex framework, then Actix-web might be the right choice for you.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a simpler and more user-friendly Rust web framework that's designed to be easy to use and learn, and you value type safety and code readability, then Rocket might be the better choice.

Whichever one you choose, make sure to read the documentation carefully, and take advantage of the community support and resources available for each framework. And don't forget to have fun and enjoy the ride! Rust is a fantastic language, and both Actix-web and Rocket are excellent examples of what it can do when it comes to building fast, efficient, and safe web applications.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed