Top 10 Rust Crates for Audio Processing

Are you a developer looking for the best Rust crates for audio processing? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 10 Rust crates for audio processing that will help you create high-quality audio applications with ease.

1. rodio

Rodio is a simple and easy-to-use audio playback library for Rust. It supports various audio formats, including WAV, MP3, and FLAC. With rodio, you can play audio files from disk, memory, or network streams. It also provides a simple API for controlling playback, such as pausing, resuming, and stopping audio playback.

2. cpal

Cpal is a low-level audio library for Rust that provides a cross-platform API for audio input and output. It supports various audio formats, including WAV, MP3, and FLAC. With cpal, you can create audio streams, mix multiple audio streams, and control the volume and playback rate of audio streams.

3. hound

Hound is a Rust library for reading and writing sound files. It supports various audio formats, including WAV, MP3, and FLAC. With hound, you can read and write audio files, extract metadata from audio files, and convert audio files between different formats.

4. rust-portaudio

Rust-portaudio is a Rust binding for the PortAudio library, which provides a cross-platform API for audio input and output. With rust-portaudio, you can create audio streams, mix multiple audio streams, and control the volume and playback rate of audio streams.

5. rust-vorbis

Rust-vorbis is a Rust binding for the libvorbis library, which provides a cross-platform API for decoding and encoding Ogg Vorbis audio files. With rust-vorbis, you can decode Ogg Vorbis audio files and convert them to other audio formats.

6. rust-mpg123

Rust-mpg123 is a Rust binding for the mpg123 library, which provides a cross-platform API for decoding and encoding MP3 audio files. With rust-mpg123, you can decode MP3 audio files and convert them to other audio formats.

7. rust-sndfile

Rust-sndfile is a Rust binding for the libsndfile library, which provides a cross-platform API for reading and writing sound files. It supports various audio formats, including WAV, MP3, and FLAC. With rust-sndfile, you can read and write audio files, extract metadata from audio files, and convert audio files between different formats.

8. rust-av

Rust-av is a Rust binding for the FFmpeg library, which provides a cross-platform API for decoding and encoding audio and video files. With rust-av, you can decode and encode various audio and video formats, extract metadata from audio and video files, and convert audio and video files between different formats.

9. rust-samplerate

Rust-samplerate is a Rust binding for the libsamplerate library, which provides a cross-platform API for resampling audio streams. With rust-samplerate, you can resample audio streams to different sample rates, interpolate missing samples, and filter out unwanted frequencies.

10. rust-soundio

Rust-soundio is a Rust binding for the libsoundio library, which provides a cross-platform API for audio input and output. With rust-soundio, you can create audio streams, mix multiple audio streams, and control the volume and playback rate of audio streams.


In conclusion, Rust has a wide range of crates for audio processing that can help you create high-quality audio applications with ease. Whether you're looking for a simple audio playback library or a low-level audio library, Rust has got you covered. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring these top 10 Rust crates for audio processing today and take your audio applications to the next level!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed